Our Applications Cover Diverse Corporate Markets

Bluesky is Ireland's leading aerial survey and geospatial data company

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We provide the public and private sectors with high quality
geospatial products

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We have a dedicated, experienced team with an innovative mindset

Our Mapshop >

Bluesky produces geospatial data solutions for a variety of different industries

Aerial Photograph of Crooke Park Stadium
Aerial Imagery >

We have a wide range of geospatial products like our aerial imagery at 25cm, 12.5cm and 5cm resolution


Our LiDAR data is captured using advanced technology to create DTMs and DSMs

National Tree Map >

Bluesky is home to the unique National Tree Map

MetroVista >

Bluesky is the only aerial survey company to offer 3D mesh models of 20 cities in the UK & Ireland

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We offer bespoke capture using the most up-to-date and advanced sensors and cameras

Our Products >

Our processes and techniques are based on new and cutting-edge methods and technologies

Leaders in Geospatial data

Bluesky International is a leading aerial survey and geographic data company, producing and maintaining high quality, accurate digital aerial photography and height data on a national scale in the Republic of Ireland and Great Britain.

We have a full range of geospatial data products and also offer bespoke or tailored data capture solutions.

Get in touch today to find out more.

Visit The Mapshop to Access our world of data

Our online Mapshop gives you immediate access to a diverse range of geospatial data ranging from Aerial Photography, Terrain data, and National Tree Map™.

Quick search: Enter area of interest
(Eircode, town/city or coordinates)

Aerial view of Dublin showing the river, bridges and roofs of buildings

Aerial Photography

We have a full library of aerial imagery of the Republic of Ireland and Great Britain at high resolution including areas mapped at 5cm.

Aerial Photograph with NTM data overlaid showing tree crowns

National Tree Map™

Our National Tree Map™ is a unique dataset that maps the height, location and tree canopy of trees 3 metres and taller throughout the Republic of Ireland.

National Hedgerow Map™

Our National Hedgerow Map™ is a unique dataset that maps the location, extent and volume of hedgerows under 3 metres in the Republic of Ireland, England, Wales and Scotland.

LiDAR height data over an urban area with buildings, roads and a river.

LiDAR Height Data

We accurately capture detailed and accurate terrain information including the height of both the terrain and any above ground features, such as trees and buildings.


Our online store enables you to immediately access our most up-to-date, off the shelf, high quality data.

Photogrammetric DSM

Our Photogrammetrically derived digital surface models (DSM) are available as a grid of heighted points and contours at 25cm intervals.

Photogrammetric DTM

Our Photogrammetrically derived digital terrain models (DTM) are available as a grid of heighted points and contours at 5m intervals.

3D Building Models

Our collection of high resolution stereo aerial photography places us in the ideal place to provide cost-effective, accurate and detailed 3D models.


We have captured 20 cities across the UK and Ireland to create intricate 3D mesh models which are an ideal baseline for a number of applications, including the creation of digital twin datasets.

Web Mapping Services

A new service offering customers the opportunity to access unlimited data via a straightforward subscription service. Welcome to GeoStream.

Colour Infrared

Colour Infrared photography (CIR) offers a unique tool to assist with the assessment of the health and state of vegetation.

Why choose Bluesky?

We have invested in the best data capture technology to ensure our products are accurate and high quality. In addition our experienced team are committed to delivering the best customer service, from your initial point of contact through to delivery of data and beyond.

A lot of our data is available off-the-shelf but we also work closely with clients to provide bespoke surveys and data tailored to specific requirements.

We have over 20 years of experience and work closely with the private and public sectors.

National tree map used to highlight canopy cover

NTM: Customer case study

Waterford City and County Council use Bluesky’s National Tree Map™ to support carbon netural plans.

LiDAR benchmarks Carbon Neutral Farming in Northern Ireland

LiDAR: Customer Case Study

Bluesky’s LiDAR data helped Farmers in Northern Ireland to calculate above ground carbon storage.

Our highly experienced, passionate team

Our team is at the heart of everything we do and they are committed to delivering the highest quality products.

We value our team and make sure working at Bluesky is rewarding. Find out more about working with us.